Japs are supposedly the most non violent & anti war people in the world. Japan is also a staunch anti nuclear state. They do not even have their own proper army. A hardcore pacifist society, to say the least.
Japan also produces some of the most insanely violent, scariest and psychologically twisted (but brilliant) movies anyone can come across. And it is apparently one of the biggest markets for the so-called “Death Metal” music.
Japanese men also top figures in worldwide wife beating. So goes to show that the calm ones are actually seething inside. So maybe Indian aggression is a good thing after all...
Violence has always been a part of Japanese culture. It’s just that this whole post-war non-violence thing was imposed upon them. Which is now misunderstood to be their inherent nature.
Earlier for chaps like Hirohito, the outlet was battleground. These days for guys like Takashi Miike, the outlet is cinema.
Man, they turn violence into an art form.
i thought indians take out their aggression by beating their wives.
white, you should have just mentioned Takashi Miike instead of individual films. Just him that's twisted. heh.
Jap gave the world the Boredoms. The End.
Ya, Indians and every other male clique do take out their frustration by beating up their wives, but if the world refers to some as most 'composed' populace and then you head home to hit your wife, it just doesn't fit.
White, I agree that violence was always a part of Japanese culture and their post war history propelled them to frame up ideologies meant for rehabilitation as a matter of importance. But even during Hirohito's reign as well as the Samurai history pre - dated to this, there was always this obsessive quest for order and extensive planning for every activity. If you have such dictatorship over base instincts like violence... it's expected of them to go all out in cinema expression or any other plausible avenue they get.
..dated to this, there was always this obsessive quest for order and extensive planning for every activity..
so, that's just well-planned violence then? :P
have you seen Suicide Circle? now, that's fun violence.
Suicide Club. fun violence. he he that's interesting.
Whatever sociological/psychological reasons there are for this type of cinema.
The fact is that Hollywood, Bollywood or any other wood just cannot inject the kind of sophistication these Japs do into these horrifically violent movies. Anywhere else they’ll end up as sheer crap.
Like I said before. These Japs turn violence into an art form. And you get such awesome themes like Suicide Club, Audition, Battle Royale, etc.
C'mon, the amound of bloodletting in suicide club just makes it funny. and seeing things like heads squished by a train. but honestly, 3/4ths into the film, it just devolved into incoherence.
Battle Royale. Yick, now THAT is a concept. and hollywood sort of rips it off and releases a vehicle for Stone Cold Steve Austin (The Condemned)
i've been trying to get hold of this Seijun Suzuki film called Pistol Opera. sounds interesting.
Antick, irrespective of how the movie was executed (I’m a little biased towards these East Asian movies. So it was ok if you ask me), movies like these deserve to be called awesome simply because nobody else comes up with extreme ideas like these.
(Heads getting squashed!? How about the scene in Ichi the killer when the pimp’s body is split in half, vertically)
Has Battle Royale been ripped already? I never knew that.
I saw Pistol Opera in the DVD parlor the other day. Is it really interesting? Exhaust the Tartan Asia Extreme series. That is on my mind right now.
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